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God is at the center of all our activities, we use to preach to everyone the word of God, such villages people and also we use to distribute to them bible and it is one part of the issue which we use to face, give them some support like clothes, shoes, ...

We always be in touch with all villages people in DR Congo and even preach and distribute bible to everyone who are in need. Christian Global Union Church (C.G.U.C) has recognize that some number of pastors, evangelists and other ministers also they have this issue of missing bibles, some they have old one and even some scriptures they are not again in. Our aim is to be in touch or to make friends with others christian religions throughout the world so that this word of God can reach to everyone.

about ministers and vulnerable people


Christian Global Union Church through H.Y.D.G ministry, we use to reach to this orphan children as the way they are wearing because before we use to go smart before but they use to ignore us and even run away when they see us.

We have an orphan and is where we use to take of our orphan children, and also we use to send other to school to study as other children, we hope that in this children some will be pastors, evangelists....

  This project is not only in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), but we are also in South-Sudan, North-Sudan, Ethiopia and we will reach to other countries throughout the world. These are some few introduction about us. 







These picture is all about our students for primary school, secondary school and university. Our aim is to push further the issue of education in children and you, also they use to help us to interpret bible in first mother tongues of DRC because is the base of this project but we will be reach country by country as soon as we have already started it.

Our few summary about our plan

1. Build bible study in every countries,

2. Support children and youth is case of school fees. These are few introduction about us.



C.G.U.C is all about children , we compare children with a foundation of a house, you know when you want to build your house you always make sure that your foundation is so strong so that when the wine comes it cannot fall down. When a children has been trained well about the word of God even if when he grow up may face some temptation he will be able to handle them because he is fill of the word of God.

This service starts at 7:00AM - 9:00AM



C.G.U.C welcomes everyone, come as you want and we believe in God that you will get transformation through his scriptures by using us.

We have also youth service which we always teach youth the ways to avoid sin and how they may work hard for the glory of God because they are still having all their strength instead of by misusing them is wrong ways we always encourage and advice them to use in the way which will give glory to our almighty God. 

 This service starts 9:30-13:00



We always organize conferences with pastors, evangelists and other ministers in the the church and after every conference we use to give certificate to everyone who has participate. C.G.U.C through our conferences in both town and villages we have recognized that many ministers in the church need bibles, and they need to be trained, specially in villages . 

  That is why C.G.U.C has organized seriously this program and also needs people from other countries to join us and we also have a plan to build bible collages everywhere we may go.

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